IGW, Vol 2, Issue 1, p13
Lori L. Lake Reviews
The Merchant of Venus
by Ellen Hart

The Merchant of Venus
by Ellen Hart
St. Martin’s Minotaur
2002, $13.95
400 Pages
ISBN: 0312289057

This is Minneapolis restaurateur Jane Lawless’s tenth mystery outing, and the novels keep getting increasingly complex, not to mention more intricately plotted. Jane is still recovering from injuries suffered the previous fall when she was nearly killed, and in this book, she is more vulnerable than she has ever been in any of the previous books. She and her best buddy, Cordelia, travel to upstate Connecticut to an old mansion, Innishannon, to attend the wedding of Cordelia’s estranged sister, Octavia, a stage actress who caught the attention of the living legend, Roland Lester. He’s an 82-year-old movie director, a millionaire, and a man with multiple secrets including one that goes all the way back to 1957 when his best friend and purported lover, Lew Wallace, was shot in a murder that was never solved. Is this the kind of man Octavia should be marrying? Can Cordelia and Octavia put aside eight years worth of differences and reconcile? And what about the zany cast of characters rattling around at Innishannon?  Roland’s brother, a grand-niece, Lew Wallace’s son, the housekeeper, and a documentary filmmaker on site all have their own secrets to hide, too. Soon enough, there are more killings, and it is unclear whether they are connected to the past murders or not.

I loved the references to the movies. Hart has taken the time to flesh out a mix of made up characters with the real-life stories about Hollywood legends such as Loretta Young, John Wayne, Clark Gable, George Cukor, and many more. Along with that, Cordelia’s humor—and even Jane’s occasional wry sense of humor—was entertaining. It didn’t make for laugh-out-loud yucks, but Cordelia’s exaggeration and her sparring with her sister had this reviewer grinning fairly regularly.

For readers who have followed the Lawless mysteries since their 1989 inception, Hart continues to build upon the relationships and storylines from the previous nine books, but anyone could pick this novel up, read it out of order, and still be perfectly at home in the world that Hart creates. Highly recommended for all lovers of mystery, and especially for those who enjoy sub-plots of growth and change for the main character along the lines of fiction by Nevada Barr, Carolyn Wheat, Sue Grafton, and Marcia Muller.

LoriLori L. Lake is a consistent and prolific reviewer for The Independent Gay Writer. She is also author of these books: Different Dress, Gun Shy, Under The Gun, and Ricochet In Time, all published by Regal Crest Enterprises/RAP, Inc.

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