Anyway, what can I tell you about myself?
I am a straight, married, mother of three. I am a
Registered Dietitian with a Master of Science degree in Medical Biology
with an emphasis in Nutritional Science. I have a BS degree in
Dietetics: Clinical and General Management. I currently work part time
for a nursing home as a dietitian but I am a full time mom and
homemaker (domestic engineer). I enjoy walking, swimming,
reading, watching movies and eating. My current passion is gay
literature and film. I am a strong supporter of gay rights, gay
marriage and equality for all citizens without bias or
I have a wonderful husband of 21 years who indulges me in my many
obsessions. I have a 14 year old son who is into video games,
computers, football and weight training. He is a high honor roll
student who never ceases to amaze me. He gets his brains from his
father and his athletic ability from me. My middle son is 12 and
he is into arachnids, insects and animals in an obsessive
way. His collection to date includes tarantulas, scorpions,
millipedes and hissing cockroaches to name a few. Plus we have a
hamster (my daughter's pet), a bearded dragon and crickets and
mealworms to feed the critters. You could say I live in a
zoo. You name the pet and either we have it or have had it (dogs,
a bird, snake...you get the picture). He is also a talented and
temperamental artist. You should see how he draws his
bugs! My daughter is 9 and she is on a swim team and loves
to talk on the phone, have friends over and watch movies and TV.
She loves singing and dancing and she is learning to play the violin.
Cheri says she enjoys writing reviews. Please write to let her know
what you think. Contact.
The Sum of Us is a beautiful story
about the unconditional love between a widowed father, Harry (Jack
Thompson), and his openly gay son, Jeff (Russell Crowe). The movie
shows a rare glimpse of a father’s acceptance and willingness to try
and understand his son’s sexuality. When Jeff has a date, Harry is
there to make sure his son practices safe sex, and when Harry has a
stroke, Jeff is there to assume sole responsibility for his care,
preparing his meals, helping him get around, and taking care of all his
needs. They may drive each other crazy at times, but their unselfish
acts of love for each other are heartwarming without being sickeningly
sweet. I love this movie because it is honest, funny, wonderfully
acted, hopeful, and real. Russell Crowe gives a brilliant performance
early in his career. He is so believable you forget you are watching a
movie. Jack Thompson is perfectly cast as his father. He is warm and
funny. I recommend this movie to anyone that has ever loved or has ever
been in love. It is a feel good movie. If you have trouble with the
thick Australian accent, you can always use the subtitles.
This ground-breaking Australian film is now available
on DVD
Maurice (1987) is no doubt one of my
favorite gay films. It is an exquisitely done period piece that takes
place in England in the early 1900’s. This film, starring James Wilby,
as Maurice, Hugh Grant, as Clive, and Rupert Graves, as Scudder, is a
classic movie which depicts the class distinctions and homophobia of
that era. It is a story of two young men who fall in love during
their years at Cambridge University and how one conforms to
societal constraints and remains closeted, while the other
follows his heart and finds true love with another man.
and Clive must hide their love for each other, lest they be condemned,
or worse, imprisoned. Their relationship must remain strictly
plutonic and secret, allowing only friendship, if they are to avoid
ruining their lives and careers because of prejudice, discrimination,
and laws forbidding homosexuality. Men were imprisoned for so much as
having “immoral” thoughts.
based on the novel by E.M.Forster, was way ahead of its time. The book
was not published until about 57 years after Forster’s death because of
the then inappropriate, controversial subject matter. The movie is
ground-breaking as well in its frank depiction of gay sex, which is
very tastefully done, and extremely erotic. Most movies of that time
would only allude to two men lying together, but this movie deliciously
takes you there. In fact there are plenty of old gay movies that
wouldn’t even show two men kissing for fear of offending anyone. It is
totally unrealistic to exclude such scenes and I feel it takes away
from the authenticity of the movie.
eroticism only adds to this rich story filled with love, lust, longing,
and denial. There is also a glimmer of hope that some people can
find happiness even in a society that does not accept homosexuality,
while others live the lie of political correctness and remain true to
society and not to themselves or the people they love.
cinematography of the country side of old England is breathtaking, the
casting is perfect, and the movie delivers a powerful message. It is
enjoyable from beginning to end as it takes you back about 90 years.
The love scenes between James Wilby and Rupert Graves are enough reason
to see this movie but it is fun to see the young Hugh Grant as well.
can not say enough good things about this movie. You have to see it for
yourself. And don’t miss the bonus disc of “Maurice”, it is worth it
for the deleted scenes alone, but the commentary by the director and
actors are interesting too.