Reynolds is in big trouble, although it takes him a while to realize
it, once he wakes up one day. An inventory of his body, alone, reveals
that he's it great pain. But his mental state is also a shock, since he
can't remember who he is. If that were not enough, after coming fully
awake, he also realizes that he's blind.
That's all I intend to reveal about the plot of this most excellent
first novel by James Brush. The story unfolds in layers of realization,
memories, and present experiences, sometimes juxtaposed one upon the
other as the author deftly leads his readers on a journey of discovery
in harsh-desert West Texas. His descriptions of this landscape alone
are well worth the read, as when Paul is out in the desert, wandering
around, blind. His perception is therefore from his sense of touch:
knew the sun had reached its zenith because it was all around him, had
him trapped in a tomb of heat from which there was no way out, only
And, being blind, when Paul is at a gas station sitting in a pickup, he
depends upon his sense of hearing to provide a mental picture of his
surroundings. Here, Brush reveals an aspect of blindness that sighted
people might not imagine—how things might "disappear" when they come to
a stop:
vehicle, Paul guessed a pickup truck because the engine was too loud to
be a car and it had a smaller sound and lacked the hiss of air brakes
that gave away semis, pulled in and drifted very close to him before
engine died; the tires rolled a few more feet before the lack of sound
caused it to disappear from his perception as if it had just turned on
some kind of science fiction cloaking device."
In fact, this book is filled with sense-based ways of looking at
ordinary things and, in so doing, Brush has created a unique story,
full of mystery, suspense, and outright terror. He is quite good,
however, in first creating a thread in the plot and then resolving it
soon or later. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy mystery
stories, as well as a good old-fashioned story of the human spirit
triumphing over adversity.
James Brush is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin, where
he earned an MA in screenwriting. He teaches high school English and
lives in central Texas with his wife, cat, and two dogs. This is his
first novel. Visit his website Coyote
Mercury for more of his writing.
Place Without a Postcard
by James Brush
ISBN 0-595-26312-7
iUniverse, Writer's Club Press, 2003