by Andrew Barriger
iUniverse, 2003
ISBN 0595288235
216 pages
I just finished FINDING PEACE and
it was even better than I anticipated. I was able to move through the
story very smoothly without having to refer back to the first book,
Finding Faith. There are nice little reminders and mini-flashbacks to
Finding Faith that keep the reader in tune at all times without being
redundant or monotonous.
Barriger’s story moves along at a pretty good clip that doesn't allow
the reader to get anywhere near bored. The protagonists, Taylor and
Tom, were so incredibly busy with so many irons in the fire that toward
the end I was almost exhausted.
Wayne and his boyfriend Eric were a really sweet and hot young couple
to be brought into the family. And what a family it was: in-laws,
outlaws, friends and neighbors a-plenty. I liked the way some of the
more tense situations were handled, too. Taylor is put to the test in
many situations that were resolved with aplomb, insight and integrity
rather than anger, hate and violence.
All in all it was an excellent read—I just wish it were longer. But
then, I had complained previously that I had waited long enough for
this sequel, and it was well worth it. Even through tragedy, the boys
became stronger and met the challenge without fear and with more
determination than ever. I recommend this book to anyone at any age. It
will appeal to a much wider audience than the other books I read.
Thanks for the good read...JJL