Chris Hubble is also
a writer and appropriately enough for this review has a book on gay
marriage as well, from Biblical times.

Lord Given Lovers
Oct 2003
96 pages
Why You
Should Give a Damn About Gay Marriage
A witty, down-to-earth, and valuable new resource
Christopher Hubble, April 24, 2004
intricate system of laws that protects heterosexual privilege while
denying lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) persons the
responsibilities, privileges, and benefits of civil marriage is another
form of segregation, but it is made all the more insidious by its
apparent invisibility. In her new book, Dr. Davina Kotulski,
Ph.D., attempts to persuade us why civil marriage equality is an issue
we should all “give a damn about.” This task would challenge any
writer, given the immense scope of the subject and the skepticism with
which this issue is still met by many well-meaning LGBT activists – it
is one thing to say “1,349 rights, benefits, and protections” but
another entirely more daunting task to list and describe them while
also developing a cohesive argument in less than 200 pages.
Dr. Kotulski begins with the most important point of all.
Second-class citizenship demeans our integrity; it assaults the liberty
guaranteed us by the U.S. Constitution – and the U.S. Supreme Court, it
would seem, now agrees with us (just read the fine print of the
Lawrence v. Texas ruling). In Dr. Kotulski’s words, “The language
of love has power, and we have been given a very slim piece of the pie
and asked to stay in our corner of the room and eat it quietly we live
a half-existence compared to our heterosexual friends.”
Kotulski is at her best when arguing that “Marriage Lite” (domestic
partnerships, civil unions, reciprocal beneficiaries, etc.) is LGBT
“Fool’s Gold”. These legal arrangements are only valid in their
native states and most of the responsibilities, privileges, and
benefits to which we have been denied access are enshrined in FEDERAL
marriage, tax, social security, and inheritance laws anyway (for this
reason, incidentally, the argument presented by many of our so-called
political allies that this is a “states’ rights” issue is a deceptive
way of avoiding taking a position at all). And didn’t the U.S.
Supreme Court already determine in 1954 that “separate was not
equal”? Dr. Kotulski offers her most compelling evidence when
describing the process same-sex couples must endure to register a
domestic partnership in California. The process, much more
difficult to traverse than obtaining a simple marriage license, is
itself demeaning because it reminds the same-sex couple of their
second-class status.
reader should be careful to avoid missing the forest while wandering
amongst the 1,349 trees. This book is best read in small
portions; the subject matter is monotonous and tedious. But Dr.
Kotulski has made a cohesive argument, and has given us all many
compelling reasons to “give a damn” about civil marriage equality.
of Lord Given Lovers: The Holy Union
of David & Jonathan, Christopher Hubble can be reached at
P.O. Box 18494, Denver, CO, 80218-0494 or More
information about Lord Given Lovers
can be found at
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