- Cheri
Rosenberg, p12
- Chris Hubble, P11
- Gene Hayworth, p10
- Jak Klinikowski, p9, p13
- Jay Mandal, p8
- Jeffery Williams, p7
- Jerry Flack, p6
- Johnny Charles, p5
- Lori L. Lake, p4
- Peter Mitchell, p3
- Tony Heyes, p2
The Saints and Sinners Literary
Festival 2004 in New Orleans, LA, is over.
Organizers say twice as many participants attended than last year.
Publishers, writers, magazines, and sponsors filled the three day
conference at O'Flaherty's Pub on Toulouse. Among the most instructive
and helpful events were the master classes that were presented the
first day of the conference by such well known writers as Felice
Picano, Patricia Nell Warren, and relatively new, but well known
writers like Christopher Rice.
The other two days of the conference were filled with panel discussions
on many aspects of the writing life to author websites and readings by
an eclectic mix of glbt writers.
Others will have to write about the parties and the dinners.
In This Issue
have another quite interesting issue with book and film reviews from
Cheri Rosenberg. Chris Hubble (author of Lord Given Lovers) has given
us his first review, Why You Should
Give a Damn About Gay Marriage, and we have another review from
the scholarly Gene Hayworth, who was a welcome addition to our
reviewers last issue. Johnny Charles is again a contributor with both
book and film reviews, along with the tireless reviewer Lori L. Lake,
and our man from England, Tony Heyes, with two more reviews.
Jak Klinikowski gives us a book review as well as the second
installment of his story of the Continuing Adventures of Ineeda
Willingbottom with: "Are My Nylons on Straight," and Jay Mandal has
provided another short story: "Last Time in Bruges." Peter Mitchell,
author of The Peculiar History of
Oliver Trent, is generously providing a serialized novel in
three parts: The Children of OM.
And we finally have Jeffrey L. Williams' second installment of his two
part narrative, "From Kenya with Love" titled "Out of Africa."

A note about
Jeffrey's contributions. He has become one of our social commentators
on the world he encounters, whether in talking with a homeless gay teen
or writing about the hardships of being gay in a third-world country
like Kenya.
by Davina Katulski
Reviewed by Chris Hubble

- Ultimate Gay Sex, p6
- SS Mann Hunt, p5
- Geography Club, p4
- The Price of Fame, p4
- Walking Wounded, p4
- Wizard of Isis, p4
- Latter Days...the Book, p2,
- The Master, p2
- Male Model, p9
Over the Guy, p5, p12
Carrington, p5
Latter Days, p12
Queer as Folk - Season 1, p12
and Jagger, p12
Reviewed by
Cheri Rosenberg