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AndyBCongratulations America

An Essay, by Andrew Barriger

Congratulations, America, you got what you  wanted. The American Dream is dead and we’ve created a new underclass.  Fear won out over Hope, and evil successfully gained a greater foothold by  dressing itself in safety’s clothes.

You got what you wanted. In order to keep  a few men and women, no more than ten percent of the population, from  being able to marry people with the same chromosomes as themselves, you  opened the door and welcomed in the evangelical hate mongers. If the  election of 2004 had been held in a 1964 context, you would have opened  the doors of the White House to the Ku Klux Klan in order to keep a black  person from having any rights. Way to regress.

But you got more than that in your deal,  America. You also shifted the balance of power in the U.S. Senate. The  party of Christian extremism now has decisive control over both houses of  Congress as well as the White House. Now, America, you can start taking  bets on what will go first – clean air, clean water, national parks,  taxes for the wealthy, the economy, personal freedoms, medical care… You  see, what you’ve done is handed the extremists the perfect tag line –  they will turn your vote into a “mandate,” saying everything they do  is because it’s what “you” wanted.

You also got a bonus with your decision,  America, and it’s a big one. For the next two years, Supreme Court  Justices can retire and have the knowledge that a Republican President and  a Republican Congress will be there to fill their slots with someone conservative. For decades, we have had a fairly balanced Court, teetering  a little liberal at times, a little conservative at others, but usually  staying fairly middle of the road. No more – with your vote, with the  shift in power you gave, we can be all but guaranteed one of the most  conservative Courts in many years, if not in our history. And your  President isn’t a total fool, America – he’ll select young Justices,  to make sure their conservative power will last for many decades.

Fear was the force that guided you in your  decision, dear America. You live three years ago, in September, on the  11th. You see your buildings attacked, and your people killed. You look  across the sea, to the desert where fighters continue to stand against you  now. You worry that they must be stopped and you figure it’s best to  keep the person who started the fight in office. Who else could finish it  better?

Consider, America, that just over three  thousand of your people were killed in that attack on the eleventh day of  September, three years ago. Since your President has started fighting his  private little war in Iraq, where there is no evidence of a connection  with the attacks on your soil, over eleven hundred of your sons and daughters have been killed. Almost a third of the losses on that fateful  day have been repeated…yet you feel no safer. Was the bully the best  choice to keep in charge? Time will tell.

America was once a nation of Hope, of  Dreams. We were the beacon of freedom for the world – we set the  standard for the rest of the world to achieve. We worked to increase  personal liberties, and close the gaps that divide us. We worked with our allies toward the common goal of a better world for all of humanity, not  just White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Straight Evangelical Men.

In 2001, the world rallied behind us. By  2002, most of the world had backed away. In 2004, we have become the  laughing stock of many nations on many continents. Our “fear” has led  us to a fruitless war that does nothing to promote the cause of fighting terrorism, and, in fact, does more to incite terrorists from other  countries to attack us. The mastermind of the attack on our nation, Osama  bin-Laden, is still alive and still promoting our downfall, but our focus  remains on Iraq.

America, you dropped the ball. You had a  chance to begin truly restoring us to the nation we were, before that day  on the 11th of September when we learned fear, but you let fear win over  optimism and hope. Now we will learn the price of our fear. Our soldiers  will stay in Iraq, and the death tolls will climb. Osama will still be  alive, and no doubt will plan some new attack on our now fearful nation.  The world will move on without us and the European Union will grow to  become what we once were – the beacon of hope for the planet, the place  where people can be free to be who they are, without fear of persecution  or reprisal, the place where human rights trump corporate greed, the land  of the free, and the home of the brave.

Of course, you will largely miss the  changes that happen, America, because you will believe whatever you are  told, if the speaker smiles just right, turns up the Texas accent just a  little more, and tells a little joke before invoking a prayer. The  religious devout will tell you the Devil comes in many disguises…sometimes,  it’s a poorly tailored shirt under a dark blue suit.

You got what you wanted, America.


Andrew Barriger is a  regular contributor to this publication and can be reached online at andrew@andrewbarriger.com  or through his website, www.andrewbarriger.com
Andrew Barriger is a writer whose work to date includes three novels in a series...

FindingFaithFinding Faith icon
Pages:  266
ISBN: 0-595-26309-7

FindingFinding Peace

Pages:  215
ISBN: 0-595-28823-5

Finding HopeFinding Hope

Publisher: Two Brother's Press
ISBN: 1-59457-678-5
Paper, 324 pages, $17.99
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